
5 Daily Practices to create Magic & Miracles!

I believe that people love this time of year because it is associated with magic and miracles. The lights are twinkling, people are celebrating, and there is a feeling of generosity and love in the air.

During my morning meditation today, I had the realization that it’s not just during the holidays that I feel this sense of wonder and magic, but throughout each and every day that I am alive!

Life is meant to be full of magic and miracles in your DAILY experience!

A few ways that I stay in alignment with the divine flow of the magic and miracles in my life are… (a couple of these are specifically focused to my Ladies!)


#1. Doing my morning meditation EVERY day.

This helps me stay connected to all that I am grateful for and keeps my vision for my life and day supercharged and alive.

Learn the 15 minutes to Change Your Life Meditation.

#2. Doing my mantras DAILY!!

I do my money mantra, and other mantras, about what I am choosing to create in my life, like my life depends on it (because it does!). I see these desires as a MUST NOW and not as something that I would like to have one day.

Read the Money Mantra practice here.

#3. Doing my breath stretch meditation and tantric dance every day for at least 15 minutes.

I sometimes combine this with my morning meditation and it reminds me to stay connected to my pleasure and that which really excites me. It hooks me into the endless river of beauty, support, health and wealth that is available to us all and helps me remember to create from my relaxed feminine essence, which is so much more fun!!

Learn the Breath Stretch Meditation here.

We will also be teaching these life changing tools in our upcoming Wave of Feminine Beauty workshop!

#4. Keeping myself supported through Network Care, (which is all about supporting us to be aligned with the divine!) and coaching.

I honestly don’t know where I’d be without my chiropractor and coach. I make sure to surround myself with people who are positive, inspiring and are where I want to be!

Learn how Network Care can assist you!

#5. Being the woman that has the things I desire already.

Knowing myself and acting as the magical woman that I am! (You MUST watch “The Last Holiday” for an AMAZING example of what this looks like with the one and only Queen Latifah. She claims her life and says YES to all of her desires and the magic just keeps rollin’ in!)

I encourage you to do these things as if it is your job.

It takes waking up, saying yes to yourself and doing whatever it takes to bring the things that you really desire into your life. There is no way that you will not be more aligned with the divine flow of magic and miracles if you do these practices every day!

You deserve to feel incredible in your body, feel supported by life, make the money you desire doing what you love and be the fullest, most vibrant expression of YOU!

Need some extra support?
Join me for a free Discovery Call!

Looking for inspiring ways to start your New Year?


Join us for one, or both, of our transformative and life changing events!

In January we will be holding our next Wave of Feminine Beauty workshop in Ashland, Oregon. We have a special discount available during the month of December. Learn more.

Then in February I will be returning to our sacred land in Costa Rica to run our second Grateful Heart Retreat. Last year was extraordinary and this year is going to be even better. Especially with the new addition of our gorgeous yoga pavilion! We all deserve to take a week off and nourish our bodies, minds and souls. Learn more.

My Prayer for you this holiday season..

My prayer for you during this holiday season and beyond is that you know what it is that you truly desire.

Then, I pray that you choose to do what it takes to harness the energy and power to know that you deserve it and then experience yourself as the magical creatrix that you are and watch it become a reality.

I pray that you know yourself as the open channel for love, money, support, health, energy, and all else you desire to move to and through.

I pray that you feel peace in your heart, fire in your belly, and that every cell in your body feels relaxed and energized, as you give thanks every day for the radiant, magnetic Being that you are.

Happy Holidays and love to you all.
