


Are you taking exquisite care of yourself?

My definition of a truly relaxed and successful woman is one who takes exquisite care of herself.

As women, we do so much in our lives. We are mothers, wives, lovers, and have jobs and careers. We can be so focused on taking care of others that we forget about ourselves in the process. Caring for ourselves cannot be overlooked if we desire freedom physically and financially. Read More


Do this daily & watch your life transform!

Love and appreciate yourself!

Receive my 4 Daily Rituals for Radical Radiance, including the money mantra I use daily!

Every day before I go to sleep I take inventory of my day and love and appreciate myself for all of the ways in which I showed up, gave my gifts and for just being who I am now.

In this time of rapid change, many of us feel the calling to do more, be more and give our gifts more fully. Most pain is actually a result of us not giving our gifts as fully as we are meant to. Read More


Healing Myth #7

Let’s look at Healing Myth #7 from Donny Epstein’s book “Healing Myths, Healing Magic”.

I invite you to take the time to read and contemplate the below excerpt. This understanding is a powerful part of the healing journey! Read More


The support you need is available to you!

“Connect with something greater than yourself every day!”

Receive my 4 Daily Rituals for Radical Radiance, including the money mantra I use daily!.

Learning how to make a deep connection with Source every day is of upmost importance in the times we are living in. This source is what guides us towards freedom in our bodies, finances and in our lives. Read More


Healing Myth #6

This understanding is an essential part of the healing journey!

I invite you to take the time to read and contemplate the below excerpt from Donny Epstein’s book “Healing Myths, Healing Magic”. Read More