
Are you living energy poor or energy rich?

In September, I attended a Master-class with my mentor and Network Spinal Analysis founder, Donny Epstein.

I was again reminded that true wellness is all about ENERGY!

Are you living energy poor, energy neutral, energy rich or energy super rich?

The work we do together through Network Care helps you become more energized so you can not only feel incredible in your body, but also in your life.

When the body experiences a physical, emotional, or chemical stress that it cannot handle, it is shunted to the organs and tissues and stored as trauma. The body takes on a DEFENSE POSTURE, and then physical degeneration, poor adaptation to stress, poor lifestyle chooses, and a decrease in overall wellness and energy begins to occur.

Are you finding yourself in a defense posture in your life, in your relationships, at your work?

Are you perceiving life from a survival mentality rather than an opportunity for gratitude, joy, passion and wellness?

The work we do together through Network Care assists you to:

~ Finally be with the parts of you that are suffering or stuck in a completely new way so that those parts don’t run you anymore.

~ Hear the message that your pain is trying to tell you, and access the energy that it takes to finally make the changes in your body and in your life to become pain free!

~ Shift your posture from defense into ease so you can be aligned with the divine and move through life more connected to purpose, gratitude, and giving your gifts more effortlessly.

Research shows that those under Network Care have greater physical health, emotional health, respond to stress better, make healthier lifestyle choices and have an overall better quality of life.

Getting the support you need to shift your posture and thus your perspective on how you see yourself and what is possible in your life, is of upmost importance.

Network Spinal Analysis, Somato Respiratory Integration and the Reorganizational Healing that we do in the office allows you to learn new strategies to not only feel incredible in your body, but to feel incredible in your life.

If you are an existing patient, schedule your appointments today!

If you are a new patient, contact me to book your free 15 minute consultation!

Now is the time to harness your energy to fuel a greater quality of life!

I look forward to seeing you in the office..

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