
Change your Life in 15 Minutes!

This is an essential practice for both physical and financial freedom!

I begin every day with this “15 minutes to Change Your Life” Meditation. I have done a version of this meditation each morning for years and has literally changed my life.

To achieve the success you desire you have to be willing to ……. This meditation will assist you to begin each day…..

You will not be the same woman after practicing this transformative meditation.

Practice this for 28 days and watch your life transform!

Listen to the Guided Meditation below.

15 minutes to Change Your Life” Meditation ~ Audio

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Are you needing personal support?

Do you find yourself struggling to make the changes you are ready for and needing personal support and mentorship to embrace your Feminine Power and live an extraordinary life?

Contact me here so we can chat.

Receive my 4 Daily Rituals for Radical Radiance, including the money mantra I use daily!

Change Your Life in 15 Minutes…


We are so much more than we know….

We are creative beings. We are meant to have desires and dreams and be able to make those things that burn so deeply in our hearts manifest with ease, grace and joy. This is our true nature and inherent birthright. We are meant to live extraordinary lives in which gratitude, passion, inspiration and excitement are our baseline emotions.

Then, why the heck are so many people in survival instead of creation mode?

When you are carrying past trauma in your body, your posture is compromised and goes into defense. You then are focused only on your body and the things in your immediate surroundings. You are just getting by, settling for an ordinary life, stuck in a pattern of going through the motions, tired, disconnected, and unsure of how to change things.

When we are in defence posturing the creative centers of our brain are actually shut down, and we are unable to see the big picture and less able to create a life that we are wildly passionate about.

423ef82e-ae9d-432b-845a-2ce930c0eb35Through Network Care, the posture shifts and the creative centers in the brain are activated so that we can see ourselves in a new way and have the energy and confidence to say “Enough of settling and living this predicable life!” We take back our courage, power and passion and decide to do something different.

Watching the people I work with not only feel more free and flexible in their bodies, but reclaim their ability to choose to be creative is what I love most about this work.

Are you living in survival or creation mode?

Being creative requires implementing systems into your life that support you on a daily basis to continue living from a place of creation. The following 15 minute meditation is one that I have done a version of each morning for years and has literally changed my life. It takes making the choice to live in creation mode every day to really make it happen. This specific one I learned from Vishen Lakhiani.

1. Connection– Feel a white light of love and compassion come down through the top of your head and wash over your whole body, radiating out into the room, neighborhood, city, state, country and whole world. Feel your connection with everything and revel in that.

2. Gratitude– Think of 5 things that you are grateful for personally and 5 things professionally. Let this gratitude fill your whole body.

3. Forgiveness– Think about someone who has hurt you and see yourself looking into their eyes and forgiving them and ask them for their forgiveness. See the pain dissolve as you remember that there really is no separation between you.

4. Vision– Visualize your life in 3 years. Most people underestimate what can happen in 3 years, so vision big! See yourself however you desire to be in the areas of abundance, relationships, and health.

5. Setting Intentions– Visualize how your upcoming day will be. See yourself in all parts of your day exactly as you desire it to go, ending with you in bed so grateful for an incredible day.

6. Receiving a blessing– See yourself receiving a blessing from a higher power and remember how loved and supported you are.

Do this every day for 30 days and I guarantee your life will change!

Upcoming Events:

New Patient Appreciation Month- April!

For the month of April, new patients can come in and receive the first 2 visits for only $69 ($175 value). Let your family and friends know! Remember, you are who you spend your time with. Surrounding yourself with others that are under Network Care supports you to continue expanding into the fullest expression of you! In gratitude, I will gift you an entrainment for every person you refer who signs up for care.

The Wave of Feminine Beauty– May 8th and 9th here in Ashland! Cost: $349

Come and experience the profound combination of NSA and tantric dance. Connect with your unique feminine essence so you can move through life with more ease, grace, passion and power. This is a must for every woman! Facilitated by Dr. Erin and Karin Pedersen.

Call 541-701-9174 for more information or to register for these events.

Ultimate Alignment Coaching:

Are you desiring more support to go deeper, feel more free in your body than ever before, do what truly lights you up, have greater impact in the world and make the money you know you deserve and desire? If so, Ultimate Alignment coaching may be for you.

Read more about this program here!

I hope to see you all in the office this week to continue assisting you in moving from survival into creation mode!

Schedule here!

Have a wonderful day and looking forward to seeing you soon.

Dr. Erin