
Are you tired of Pushing?

Do you feel like you are not doing enough to get where you want to be in life?

Are you feeling tense in your body, with your mind spinning about what your next step is?

Are you stressed and feeling overwhelmed about how the heck you are going to create the life you dream of?

I totally get it…

I have felt this way for the past few weeks. Working hard, pushing, forcing myself to create even when the juice for it has not been present. Being way too serious and not having much fun at all.

Basically, I was allowing myself to operate from a place of fear. Fear that I won’t ever be as successful as I desire. Fear that I wouldn’t make my money goals for the month. Fear that I will never have that amazing relationship that I want. Fear that I will always be alone and will always have to do it myself.

This was just not working. Something had to give…

After first acknowledging and accepting that this was where I was at, I made a decision to move from fear to a level of trust that I had never before experienced.

I made a choice to surrender, relax, breathe, dance and give it up to God. I also made a choice to know, absolutely and positively that God has my back. I made a choice to return to moving more from a place that inspires me and lights me up, and that in this amazing things would happen.

I decided to measure my success by how much love I was giving and feeling and not by how much money I mas making or how many people I was seeing in my chiropractic and coaching practices.

So… I went away for 5 days to play in Portland with a new love that has come into my life.  I bought a kayak and decided to get out and be in nature as much as I can this summer.  I have been having a blast letting it all go and trusting that I am always supported and taken care of.
And… since I made this decision (which I have to make over and over each day!), I have way surpassed my money goals for the month and have attracted so many new ideal patients and clients that I am so excited to work with!

When we are fully in our relaxed and playful feminine essence we are magnetic and can sit back and watch the magic of each moment unfold before our eyes.

It really is that simple.  We can continue to live in fear or we can make a choice to trust.  Trust in ourselves, trust that our lives are unfolding in diving timing and trust in God, The Universe, or whatever you call that higher power to support us unconditionally.

Are YOU ready to start creating your life from this place?

Check out my 90 Days Towards Ultimate Alignment Coaching Package:

Book your FREE Discovery Session today by clicking HERE and make YOUR choice to finally reclaim your most surrendered, relaxed and energized life in which you can create whatever it is you desire like the juicy woman you are.

It’s so much more fun….

Have a relaxed and magical weekend,

Dr. Erin

It really is that simple