
Ready To Receive The Gifts From Your Wounds?


Hello Friends!

Let’s be real… we have all been wounded. We have had our hearts broken, been neglected or abused, experienced physical trauma, suffered the loss of loved ones, been told that we are not enough and can’t be, do or have what we want or have felt completely alone and abandoned by people we trusted and maybe even by God.

I believe that life happens FOR us and not TO us. There is a reason why we have been wounded…. a good reason. Every wound has a gift, and actually the deeper the wound, the bigger the gift. When our posture is in defense and our nervous system is under tension, we only experience the wound. Through Network Care, the posture shifts and the nervous system reorganizes in a way that allows us to receive the gifts as we are meant to.

In Network Care, there are 5 primary patterns, or Rays of Focus, that we work with. Each Ray has a wound energy and each one has a gift, and is associated with a certain part or parts of the spine. When the system does not have enough energy and we are traumatized, our spine elongates or torques in these places and we experience the wound instead of the gift. The 5 Rays are:

Ray 1- Ray of Remembering

The wound energy of this Ray is forgetting that every trauma is ultimately a blessing. When this Ray is distorted we only experience the wounds. Through Network Care, we remember that every wound was divinely placed to help shape us into who we are supposed to be.

Ray 2- Ray of Trust

The wound energy of this Ray is lack of trust and faith in time or in relationships. When this Ray is distorted we are in fear around there not being enough time or that our life is not unfolding in divine timing. We are in fear of conflict in our relationships with ourselves, others and/or God. Through Network Care, the fear is replaced by a deep trust that there is enough time and that our lives are unfolding in perfect divine timing. We have greater faith that our souls are guided, faith in others, and trust the love in our relationships.

Ray 3- Ray of Identity

The wound energy of this Ray is being identified according to what you have learned from culture. When this Ray is distorted we believe the stories that we have made up about how we should be as men or women in the world. Through Network Care, we are able to embrace a more true sense of who we are and move more from a place of soul. We show up more authentically, drop the shoulds and claim who we are unapologetically.

Ray 4- Ray of Passion

The wound energy of this Ray is being stuck in the mind, because of the learning that it is not safe to be in our hearts and express, emote and be as passionate as we can be. Through Network Care, we are able to move less from our heads and more from our hearts, and are able to express more emotion and passion, be more spontaneous and experience a greater level of freedom in our lives.

Ray of Abundance-

The wound energy of this Ray is feeling invisible and unable to be seen for the gifts that we have to give. We feel like there is not enough and that we are not enough, and focus on whatever is lacking in our lives. Through Network Care, we remember that we are more than enough and are grateful for being supported by such an abundant Universe. The cloak of invisibility that has been keeping us small is dissolved so that we can start showing up, be visible and give our gifts fully.

Assisting people in feeling more free and passionate, better able to trust in time and relationships, giving their gifts more fully, embracing a more authentic and soulful identity, and remembering the divine wisdom and gifts from their wounds is SO MUCH MORE FUN than just getting rid of pain.

And guess what? As we receive these gifts and start to show up more as the powerful people that we are, the pain does not have to speak as loud!


Hope to see you all in the office soon…

Click here to schedule!

In Health and Service,
