
It’s So Much More Than You Realize…


There is so much more than meets the eye…

As you know, we are so much more than physical. We are actually mostly energetic, and have 5 Energetic Intelligences (EI’s) that surround our physical body. Many of you have heard me talking about these different intelligences and have asked to know more about them and how they affect or don’t affect how we experience and move through life. So, here goes….

The first EI is the Survivor and is the closest to the physical body. Most people come into the office in a state of defense physiology, or fight or flight. When this posturing is present, the survivor is the primary intelligence that we are moving from. When the survivor is running the show, we minimize relationships, money and life in general because there is very little energy available for the system to focus on anything but the basics. We don’t take risks, need to be in control and our whole lives become about being concerned with safety and managing our energy. We are overly focused on our bodies and our symptoms.

69aa1896-2c1b-4067-9b75-176561e4dc06 The second EI is the Reactor. When the reactor is running the show, our range of emotion is limited and we have inappropriate emotional responses.  We don’t feel a wide range of emotions and, because the purpose of emotion is to motivate change, we are unable to make the changes we need in our lives.  We create arguments just to get emotional juice.

The lower third EI is the Thinker. When the thinker is running the show, we think limiting thoughts (this or that) and set boundaries to make us fit in to culture and don’t make progress. We have excessive mental chatter, are argumentative, rigid and think that our story is the right one. We have difficulty with mental focus.

The upper third EI is the Optimizer. When the optimizer is present we are able to think out of the box and have a greater range of perception. We can make choices according to our personal map of the world and don’t have the need to fit in to culture.  We are able to see ourselves and what is possible in a whole new way.

The fourth EI is the Illuminator. When the illuminator is present we move more from soul.  We experience gratitude and connection to our soul gifts and have a desire to give them.  We know without having to figure it out, and feel guided on our path of service.  The illuminator illuminates where the love in our lives is and helps us effortlessly move towards that.

The fifth EI is the Weaver.  When the weaver is present we experience the gifts from our wounds.  The weaver creates connection and serendipidy and puts in in the right place at the right time for the divine unfolding of our lives. We remember that we are each others medicine and that all experience is a blessing.  We focus on giving our gifts in community.


47a78e35-fa29-4db4-8bff-5e44ba14a552Network Care is all about putting energy into the system so that we can move less from the survivor, reactor and thinker and more from the optimizer, illuminator and weaver. As you progress through care this happens more and more. This is why people experience greater harmony in relationships, more desire to be of service, greater ability to make true progress in life, and more gratitude and connection as a result of being under care!

The pain you came in with is just your body’s way of saying that it is ready to tap more fully into these intelligences so that you can live a life in which you can experience as much magic, energy, freedom and expansion as possible.When the system is energized and we experience the wisdom of these intelligences, pain is irrelevant, and we know that it’s gift is to stop, pay attention, and do something different so we can be more in alignment with the fullest expression of ourselves.

Upcoming Events:

Last Week of Patient Appreciation Month! 

For the month of April, new patients can come in and receive the first 2 visits for only $69 ($175 value).   Let your family and friends know!  Remember, you are who you spend your time with.   Surrounding yourself with others that are under Network Care supports you to continue expanding into the fullest expression of you!  In gratitude, I will gift you an entrainment for every person you refer who signs up for care.

The Wave of Feminine Beauty–  May 8th and 9th here in Ashland!              Cost: $349

Come and experience the profound combination of NSA and tantric dance.  Connect with your unique feminine essence so you can move through life with more ease, grace, passion and power.  This is a must for every woman!  Facilitated by Dr. Erin and Karin Pedersen.

Read more here!

Call 541-701-9174 for more information or to register for these events.

Ultimate Alignment Coaching:

Are you desiring more support to go deeper, feel more free in your body than ever before, do what truly lights you up, have greater impact in the world and make the money you know you deserve and desire?  If so, Ultimate Alignment coaching may be for you.

Read more about this program here!

Hope to see you all in the office soon…

Schedule here!

Love to you,