


How Good Can You Let It Get?

Hello Ladies!

Ciao from Rome, Italy! What a fabulous time my daughter and I are having! On the plane ride on the way over, I watched the new Cinderella. Wow! If I wasn’t already tapped into the magical and divine unfolding of this trip before, I certainly was after watching this movie. It affected me so much that I just have to tell you all about it.  Read More


Freedom! It Feels Oh So Good…

Ciao Lovelies!

I am so excited to be going back to Italy in a little over a week!! My daughter and I were in Cinque Terre for only 4 days 2 years ago and I have been dreaming of it ever since. I am beyond grateful that I made the decision years ago to do whatever it takes to live a life in which I work to live and not live to work. Read More


24 Hour Flu Or Taking My Power Back?

Hello Practice Members and Friends!

Ok…time to be transparent again…

Many of you know that last Wednesday was my daughter’s birthday and I took the day off to go to the river with her. Well, on Tuesday night I started getting chills and body aches. I had a fever in the night with extreme chills and aches all over. Yuck! I woke up on Wednesday and knew there was no way I was doing anything but staying in bed. Read More


What Happened When I Said YES To One Of My Biggest Dreams….


Hello beautiful women!

Today is the day that one of my biggest dreams became a reality. My family and I have a retreat center in Costa Rica where people come to heal, pray, laugh, sing, dance and be in the magic of nature and community. Ever since we got this land 7 years ago, I had a dream of getting the neighboring plot with the ocean view to complete our piece with the stunning valley view.

A few years ago that plot went up for sale and I did not jump on it because I was still in constriction around money and was scared of using savings and then not having enough. It sold to somebody else and I was devastated.

But, it made my determination to get another plot with an ocean view close to our property even stronger. At least I knew that no means not yet!

I wish I would have known then what I know now. And what I know now is:

– Money always goes where there is a purpose for it. If you have a strong desire and purpose for the thing that the money is for, it shows up.

– We are meant to be channels for money to move endlessly and abundantly to and through. We just have to do what it takes to open ourselves to be that channel.

– If you have a dream, no matter how big, you are meant for it. But, you must make that dream a non-negotiable and do whatever it takes to bring it into reality.

So, I held my vision with fierce determination. I saw myself and others there on that land looking out over the ocean in my meditations. I thanked the Universe for helping organize the easy and joyful acquiring of this land. I felt how I would feel leading workshops on this land and taking care of it, planting flowers and trees, and singing and dancing on it. I saw the immense transformations that others would experience here and the wonderful experience of community that people would feel.

And…. Last year, during my February Grateful Heart Retreat, another, even more amazing ocean view plot right next to our land went up for sale (pic is up top!) YES, YES ,YES!

Our offer was accepted and we closed the deal today.

Ladies, NEVER give up on your dreams. Your biggest, wildest, most extraordinary dreams. Reclaim, those that you have forgotten or that you think could never happen. Do it NOW!

You deserve to have it all… radiant health, a career that you are wildly passionate about, a rockstar relationship, as much money as you desire, and all else you dream about for your life.

It’s all possible. You desire something because you are meant to have, be, or do it.

And last, but definitely not least, what I know is that pain in your body means that you are ready to be living more in alignment with those dreams and desires. When we are not living as the fullest expressions of ourselves we experience pain. Period.

Are you ready to feel more amazing in your body, have the level of money you desire, do what you love and reclaim your wildest dreams?

Are you ready to stop saying, “One day, I will….” ? Enough of that!

Check out my Ultimate Alignment 90 day program by clicking here.

I would love to talk to you about how to start making YOUR dreams a reality…

Thanks for celebrating with me and you are all invited to come down to Costa Rica!

Sending you all so much love,

Dr. Erin

P.S For a FREE discovery session to talk about how I can help you reclaim those dreams that you are meant for, click here.


Are You Being Selfish?

Hello Ladies!

So many women today are in survival mode, or if not in survival mode, settle for staying safe and comfortable. When living this way, we are more focused on “ME” than on “WE”. We stay small and don’t give our gifts as fully in service to humanity…
and are basically being selfish!

We have all learned ways of being from culture that are not aligned with the free and fabulous women that we truly are.

We are taught that it is hard to make money and that there is not enough of it.

We are taught how to move through life like men and do it all ourselves.

We are taught that the goal is to be safe and stable and to save money.

We are taught that it’s not always possible to do what you absolutely love most in life.


We are taught that pain is bad and we must get rid of it as quickly as possible so we can go about living the ordinary lives we were living.

Well, I am here to tell you:

If you are not living the life you are meant to live it is supposed to hurt!

I have worked with a lot of women in the 16 years I have been in practice as a chiropractor. Most of them have been in a lot of pain and have moved through life in survival mode. They have lived in fear of not having enough money, not being able to move in their bodies the way they desire, and ultimately not ever being able claim the life of their dreams. Most are in such a state of survival that they don’t even know what the life of their dreams would look like.

We are meant for so much more than this!

When we have freedom in our bodies and with our finances, we have so much more energy to be the full expression of ourselves and give our gifts in abundance!

Click here to find out more about The Ultimate Alignment Coaching Program!

As a doctor, I am committed to women’s health and transformation, and have a burning passion for helping women be the best version of themselves.

What I know about women after spending so much time as one and working with them is that the pain in our bodies is always a call to something greater.

909edc33-957d-49df-96b0-71ec65b319c0It wasn’t until I took my power back and made a decision to massively up level my life in all areas that my pain and symptoms of 9 years went away.

We are meant to feel incredible in our bodies, have careers that we are madly in love with, have extraordinary relationships, make as much money as we desire and basically live lives in which we wouldn’t change one darn thing.

It has been such an honor to be with the women I am coaching and help them transform their pain into progress. Ultimate Alignment Coaching is all about:

– working with the pain in the body and helping it transform into energy that you can use to make true progress, without actually being on the table. (So, no…you don’t have to be local to do the coaching program!)

– getting clear on what you REALLY desire on all levels, and tapping into those secret desires that you have put on the back burner.

– beginning a whole new relationship with money and transforming beliefs around money that are no longer serving you into ones that create instantaneous change in your financial reality.

– seeing ways in which you have been stuck and finally harnessing enough energy to make the changes you know you must, with no looking back.

– discovering how you can engage life’s magic like a woman, not a man, and create from this place.
The main purpose of Ultimate Alignment coaching is to help you live a life of greater freedom!

Freedom in your body to move, dance, hike or do whatever it is that you love doing. Freedom in your finances to be able to travel, donate to great causes, give to others in a way that feels good, and spoil yourself a little (or a lot!). And freedom in your life to do what you are most passionate about, have incredible relationships and wake up each morning more grateful than you were the day before.

If you could create your most extraordinary life, what would it look like?

Are you ready to claim this NOW?

If not now, when?

To find out more about the Ultimate Alignment Coaching Program click here.

God does not want you to play small anymore.

Let’s do this! The time is NOW…

To you and your most extraordinary life,

Dr. Erin