


The Answer To Your Question….

Dr. Erin Pollinger

Many of you have asked….

What is Reorganizational Healing anyways?

I know…its all a bit overwhelming with Levels and Stages and Rays….oh my! So, here it is… a breakdown of exactly what makes up this incredible work that we do at Soulwave Chiropractic Studio.

Most health care today is restorative, which means that the goal is to restore the person to where they were before the pain, symptom or disease started, by getting rid of the issue, so they can go back to living the same life they were living before. The goal of Reorganizational Healing (ROH) is to help you gain the wisdom from your pain, symptom or disease which you can then use to grow and expand into living an extraordinary life. Through ROH, we give you concrete tools to explore and use the meaning of your symptoms and life stressors as catalysts to create a more fulfilling life and potent state of wellbeing. ROH consists of 6 parts, all of which play a significant role in the amazing results that people experience on and off of the table.

1. Network Spinal Analysis: NSA is an evidence based approach to wellness and body awareness. Gentle, precise touch to the spine cues the brain to produce waves that undulate through the spine promoting flexibility, ease and improved nervous system functioning. The body learns an advanced language through 3 Levels of Care, through which you learn new strategies for optimal health and wellness.

9fb6a10f-efcf-4062-8a32-b80c1df0a6f72. SomatoRespiratory Integration: SRI is a set of 12 exercises designed to give you easy, hands-on tools to become aware of, acknowledge, and accept where you are at. SRI helps you further gain the wisdom from your pain and helps you access energy that you can use to experience progress.

3. Seasons of Well-being: Like the weather, we all must move through seasons in our lives to be the fullest expressions of ourselves. In ROH we give you tools to fully be with and liberate the life energy of each season for maximum quality of life.

4. Energetic Intelligences: There is extensive scientific research that supports the existence of energy within and around the human body. Through ROH you learn how to access a wider range of energetic intelligence so that you can move from just surviving to creating and living a life that you love.

5. Rays of Focus: There are 5 Rays, or patterns, that we work with in ROH. When there is not enough energy in the system we experience the wound of the Ray. Through ROH we help transform the wound into the gift, so that you can experience the medicine of past events and move forward into the future in a new way.

6. Triad of Change: A dynamic model that helps you understand how “you do you”. We teach you how to assemble your perceptions, behaviors, and structures to move from Pain to Progress.

My goal is for you to be living a life of passion and freedom…. one in which you have resources and tools that help you acknowledge where you are and then choose where you know you must be. The pain or symptom is just what gets you through the door so that you and your life can change in ways you had no idea were possible!

If you haven’t been in a while, NOW is a great time to re-commit to yourself and living a life of greater energy, ease, and abundance! Click here to schedule your appointment!

Dr Erin.


Coaching For Health Care Practitioners!

Ladies! Are you a health care practitioner who desires to have a greater impact, make more money, have a greater level of freedom in your life and be able to travel and still make money while not in the office?

I get it… I was there too.

After practicing for 16 years and being attached to my office and relying on being there to make money, I knew there was a different way that would allow me more freedom to travel and live a life that really lights me up in which I could still make money while away from the office, and actually be of higher level service.

So… I listened to what my practice members were asking for….which was more focused attention. And, I began coaching. The beauty of coaching is that you can do it from anywhere. The blessing of technology today allows us to serve people even when they are not local. Or, to serve people who are local while you are playing in paradise, donating your services in other parts of the world, or doing whatever it is that you are passionate about. And, going deeper with people off of the table (or out of the office) is more rewarding than I could imagine.

As health care practitioners we have so much to offer and honestly are probably not giving our gifts as fully as we could be. I have found that coaching allows me to be so present with my clients and sets the container for them to expand and grow in ways that have been blowing my mind.

This summer I am traveling to Europe with my daughter for 3 weeks and the old thoughts of “I shouldn’t take this much time off or I have to make more money before I go to be able to afford the trip, bla bla bla…” are nowhere to be found. It’s so awesome!

Freedom…that’s what it’s all about for me these days. And, living a life that I absolutely positively LOVE. We are our own map makers and can make make our lives look however big we can dream them up to be.

Check out my 90 Days to Ultimate Alignment Program for Health Care Practitioners:


If this speaks to you, let’s talk!

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Are you tired of Pushing?

Do you feel like you are not doing enough to get where you want to be in life?

Are you feeling tense in your body, with your mind spinning about what your next step is?

Are you stressed and feeling overwhelmed about how the heck you are going to create the life you dream of?

I totally get it…

I have felt this way for the past few weeks. Working hard, pushing, forcing myself to create even when the juice for it has not been present. Being way too serious and not having much fun at all.

Basically, I was allowing myself to operate from a place of fear. Fear that I won’t ever be as successful as I desire. Fear that I wouldn’t make my money goals for the month. Fear that I will never have that amazing relationship that I want. Fear that I will always be alone and will always have to do it myself.

This was just not working. Something had to give…

After first acknowledging and accepting that this was where I was at, I made a decision to move from fear to a level of trust that I had never before experienced.

I made a choice to surrender, relax, breathe, dance and give it up to God. I also made a choice to know, absolutely and positively that God has my back. I made a choice to return to moving more from a place that inspires me and lights me up, and that in this amazing things would happen.

I decided to measure my success by how much love I was giving and feeling and not by how much money I mas making or how many people I was seeing in my chiropractic and coaching practices.

So… I went away for 5 days to play in Portland with a new love that has come into my life.  I bought a kayak and decided to get out and be in nature as much as I can this summer.  I have been having a blast letting it all go and trusting that I am always supported and taken care of.
And… since I made this decision (which I have to make over and over each day!), I have way surpassed my money goals for the month and have attracted so many new ideal patients and clients that I am so excited to work with!

When we are fully in our relaxed and playful feminine essence we are magnetic and can sit back and watch the magic of each moment unfold before our eyes.

It really is that simple.  We can continue to live in fear or we can make a choice to trust.  Trust in ourselves, trust that our lives are unfolding in diving timing and trust in God, The Universe, or whatever you call that higher power to support us unconditionally.

Are YOU ready to start creating your life from this place?

Check out my 90 Days Towards Ultimate Alignment Coaching Package:

Book your FREE Discovery Session today by clicking HERE and make YOUR choice to finally reclaim your most surrendered, relaxed and energized life in which you can create whatever it is you desire like the juicy woman you are.

It’s so much more fun….

Have a relaxed and magical weekend,

Dr. Erin

It really is that simple




Ready To Receive The Gifts From Your Wounds?


Hello Friends!

Let’s be real… we have all been wounded. We have had our hearts broken, been neglected or abused, experienced physical trauma, suffered the loss of loved ones, been told that we are not enough and can’t be, do or have what we want or have felt completely alone and abandoned by people we trusted and maybe even by God.

I believe that life happens FOR us and not TO us. There is a reason why we have been wounded…. a good reason. Every wound has a gift, and actually the deeper the wound, the bigger the gift. When our posture is in defense and our nervous system is under tension, we only experience the wound. Through Network Care, the posture shifts and the nervous system reorganizes in a way that allows us to receive the gifts as we are meant to.

In Network Care, there are 5 primary patterns, or Rays of Focus, that we work with. Each Ray has a wound energy and each one has a gift, and is associated with a certain part or parts of the spine. When the system does not have enough energy and we are traumatized, our spine elongates or torques in these places and we experience the wound instead of the gift. The 5 Rays are:

Ray 1- Ray of Remembering

The wound energy of this Ray is forgetting that every trauma is ultimately a blessing. When this Ray is distorted we only experience the wounds. Through Network Care, we remember that every wound was divinely placed to help shape us into who we are supposed to be.

Ray 2- Ray of Trust

The wound energy of this Ray is lack of trust and faith in time or in relationships. When this Ray is distorted we are in fear around there not being enough time or that our life is not unfolding in divine timing. We are in fear of conflict in our relationships with ourselves, others and/or God. Through Network Care, the fear is replaced by a deep trust that there is enough time and that our lives are unfolding in perfect divine timing. We have greater faith that our souls are guided, faith in others, and trust the love in our relationships.

Ray 3- Ray of Identity

The wound energy of this Ray is being identified according to what you have learned from culture. When this Ray is distorted we believe the stories that we have made up about how we should be as men or women in the world. Through Network Care, we are able to embrace a more true sense of who we are and move more from a place of soul. We show up more authentically, drop the shoulds and claim who we are unapologetically.

Ray 4- Ray of Passion

The wound energy of this Ray is being stuck in the mind, because of the learning that it is not safe to be in our hearts and express, emote and be as passionate as we can be. Through Network Care, we are able to move less from our heads and more from our hearts, and are able to express more emotion and passion, be more spontaneous and experience a greater level of freedom in our lives.

Ray of Abundance-

The wound energy of this Ray is feeling invisible and unable to be seen for the gifts that we have to give. We feel like there is not enough and that we are not enough, and focus on whatever is lacking in our lives. Through Network Care, we remember that we are more than enough and are grateful for being supported by such an abundant Universe. The cloak of invisibility that has been keeping us small is dissolved so that we can start showing up, be visible and give our gifts fully.

Assisting people in feeling more free and passionate, better able to trust in time and relationships, giving their gifts more fully, embracing a more authentic and soulful identity, and remembering the divine wisdom and gifts from their wounds is SO MUCH MORE FUN than just getting rid of pain.

And guess what? As we receive these gifts and start to show up more as the powerful people that we are, the pain does not have to speak as loud!


Hope to see you all in the office soon…

Click here to schedule!

In Health and Service,



It’s So Much More Than You Realize…


There is so much more than meets the eye…

As you know, we are so much more than physical. We are actually mostly energetic, and have 5 Energetic Intelligences (EI’s) that surround our physical body. Many of you have heard me talking about these different intelligences and have asked to know more about them and how they affect or don’t affect how we experience and move through life. So, here goes….

The first EI is the Survivor and is the closest to the physical body. Most people come into the office in a state of defense physiology, or fight or flight. When this posturing is present, the survivor is the primary intelligence that we are moving from. When the survivor is running the show, we minimize relationships, money and life in general because there is very little energy available for the system to focus on anything but the basics. We don’t take risks, need to be in control and our whole lives become about being concerned with safety and managing our energy. We are overly focused on our bodies and our symptoms.

69aa1896-2c1b-4067-9b75-176561e4dc06 The second EI is the Reactor. When the reactor is running the show, our range of emotion is limited and we have inappropriate emotional responses.  We don’t feel a wide range of emotions and, because the purpose of emotion is to motivate change, we are unable to make the changes we need in our lives.  We create arguments just to get emotional juice.

The lower third EI is the Thinker. When the thinker is running the show, we think limiting thoughts (this or that) and set boundaries to make us fit in to culture and don’t make progress. We have excessive mental chatter, are argumentative, rigid and think that our story is the right one. We have difficulty with mental focus.

The upper third EI is the Optimizer. When the optimizer is present we are able to think out of the box and have a greater range of perception. We can make choices according to our personal map of the world and don’t have the need to fit in to culture.  We are able to see ourselves and what is possible in a whole new way.

The fourth EI is the Illuminator. When the illuminator is present we move more from soul.  We experience gratitude and connection to our soul gifts and have a desire to give them.  We know without having to figure it out, and feel guided on our path of service.  The illuminator illuminates where the love in our lives is and helps us effortlessly move towards that.

The fifth EI is the Weaver.  When the weaver is present we experience the gifts from our wounds.  The weaver creates connection and serendipidy and puts in in the right place at the right time for the divine unfolding of our lives. We remember that we are each others medicine and that all experience is a blessing.  We focus on giving our gifts in community.


47a78e35-fa29-4db4-8bff-5e44ba14a552Network Care is all about putting energy into the system so that we can move less from the survivor, reactor and thinker and more from the optimizer, illuminator and weaver. As you progress through care this happens more and more. This is why people experience greater harmony in relationships, more desire to be of service, greater ability to make true progress in life, and more gratitude and connection as a result of being under care!

The pain you came in with is just your body’s way of saying that it is ready to tap more fully into these intelligences so that you can live a life in which you can experience as much magic, energy, freedom and expansion as possible.When the system is energized and we experience the wisdom of these intelligences, pain is irrelevant, and we know that it’s gift is to stop, pay attention, and do something different so we can be more in alignment with the fullest expression of ourselves.

Upcoming Events:

Last Week of Patient Appreciation Month! 

For the month of April, new patients can come in and receive the first 2 visits for only $69 ($175 value).   Let your family and friends know!  Remember, you are who you spend your time with.   Surrounding yourself with others that are under Network Care supports you to continue expanding into the fullest expression of you!  In gratitude, I will gift you an entrainment for every person you refer who signs up for care.

The Wave of Feminine Beauty–  May 8th and 9th here in Ashland!              Cost: $349

Come and experience the profound combination of NSA and tantric dance.  Connect with your unique feminine essence so you can move through life with more ease, grace, passion and power.  This is a must for every woman!  Facilitated by Dr. Erin and Karin Pedersen.

Read more here!

Call 541-701-9174 for more information or to register for these events.

Ultimate Alignment Coaching:

Are you desiring more support to go deeper, feel more free in your body than ever before, do what truly lights you up, have greater impact in the world and make the money you know you deserve and desire?  If so, Ultimate Alignment coaching may be for you.

Read more about this program here!

Hope to see you all in the office soon…

Schedule here!

Love to you,