Healing Myth #3

Healing Myth #3

Last week we looked at Healing Myth #2 and shifting our belief from “Healing is not always available” to “Healing is always available to me”.
Today let’s address Healing Myth #3 from Donny Epstein’s book “Healing Myths, Healing Magic”.

I often hear people talk about how much healing can cost, but in reality, it is being in a state of “dis-ease” or illness that really requires the most cost to us, both physically and financially.

Healing Myth #3: Healing is expensive.

In Healing Myths, Healing Magic Donny shares:

“If we were to place a dollar value on the debilitating effect that illness has on each of the most important areas of our life, including relationships, work, study, finances, recreation, and the overall enjoyment of life, we would be surprised at how important and valuable a healthy bodymind really is.

When we are healthy, we attract new opportunities and possibilities. We have energy to play, to work, to give, or to share with others. When we are feeling ill, our body mind say’s, “I can’t”, and our happiness and good fortune often slip away. In healing, we experience greater opportunities to be enriched and rewarded in many ways.”

When we change our story around Healing we can uncover the Healing Magic within.

Healing Magic Affirmation #3

“The internal process that is mine alone if both priceless and free. Although I may pay for a professional to assist me in regaining my health, the process initiated by me, within me, and through me is absolutely free. I claim my freedom to heal and celebrate my own healing power.”

I am continually inspired by the healing magic we each have within us.

Network Care supports you to tap into this innate healing power so that YOU can be your own healer. 

Learn more about Network Care here.

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