
Venus In Retrograde And Taking A Deeper Look…

Hello Beauties!

About every 18 months, Venus, planetary archetype of beauty, sensuality, values (including money) and self-esteem moves in reverse. This shift signals a strongly inward time in which we have the opportunity to reassess, replenish, reflect, regenerate, and re-establish what is purposeful in the realms of relationship, self esteem and earthly possessions. This particular retrograde cycle, which began on the 25th of July and ends on Sept 5th, mostly occurs in the sign of Leo. Therefore, the Leo qualities of passion, romance, creativity, self-importance, and heart desires are up to be more deeply looked at (especially for women!). 

At this time in your life, what is it that you are wanting to create? What are the most true desires of your heart? How do you want to give your gifts in service? What kind of relationship do you want? How much money do you want to make?

You are your own map-maker and can paint the canvas of your life in any way you choose!

Is it time to re-evaluate and start living more in Ultimate Alignment with what you deserve and desire?

Click here to learn more!

When you are out of alignment with your deepest heart’s yearning and soul’s calling in any area of life, be it career, relationship, money, or health, you experience pain in your body. This is because your body is your greatest teacher and is reminding you that it’s time to remember this calling to live an extraordinary life!

As a transformational coach and chiropractor of 16 years, I LOVE supporting women in creating physical and financial freedom, doing what they love and are absolutely passionate about.

What I have seen working with women for the past 2 decades is that powerful women get the support they need to rock their lives, make decisions quickly and change their minds slowly, and invest in themselves because they know they are worth it.

As you use this potent time to reassess where you are and where you know you must be, ask yourself, “Is it time to get the support that I need to finally make the changes I know I need to and bump it up on all levels?”

Sit, be quiet, and listen…

If the answer you hear is yes, let’s talk…

And if not now….when? Let’s turn one day or someday, into TODAY!

Find out more and book you complimentary Discovery Session here!

Remember, you are a Queen and deserve the best…

In beauty and service,

Dr Erin

Venus In Retrograde And Taking A Deeper Look...