
Are you taking exquisite care of yourself?

My definition of a truly relaxed and successful woman is one who takes exquisite care of herself.

As women, we do so much in our lives. We are mothers, wives, lovers, and have jobs and careers. We can be so focused on taking care of others that we forget about ourselves in the process. Caring for ourselves cannot be overlooked if we desire freedom physically and financially.

Self-care and connecting with your feminine juice are a part of my 4 Daily Rituals for Radical Radiance.

I get it… you may feel guilty for caring for yourself, or think that there is just not enough time in the day. But, what I have seen is that when we take amazing care ourselves we are much more able to give our unique gifts to others.

How can you better take care of yourself on a regular basis?

Can you get a massage, go the chiropractor, exercise 3 times a week, get a manicure once a month, schedule date night with your husband, have a lovely dinner with a girlfriend or meditate every morning?

As women in today’s world, it is easy to forget about the soft, surrendered, juicy women that we really are.

When we are constantly focused on what we have to do, instead of how we want to be while we do, we are disconnected from our feminine core, which is really where the magic is.

Learn my 4 Daily Rituals for Radical Radiance that will assist you to reconnect to your feminine juice!

Do this every day and watch your body and your life transform!

What is one thing you can do TODAY to connect with your feminine juice?